Tuesday, January 12, 2016

January 12, 2016 Moi Moi :)

What a fast week! Sister Kwok and I are working and teaching a lot! It will be nice to have bikes coming this week so we can be even more efficient. I am seeing blessings each and every day. I feel so unbelievably blessed to be in Vaasa for 6 months. I love this place and these people with my whole heart.
There are always trials and things that we have to work through as a companionship in order to have unity and the Spirit, but we are doing so well together and growing a lot. I almost feel like a breath of fresh air and its a blessing. I am still so grateful for all that I have learned from my past companions to help me figure out how to eventually be a better mother, wife, friend, sister, daughter and church member. Missions are such blessings.
I have been praying with more gratitude recently and it has helped me to have happier days and more positive with those around me. Heavenly Father and I actually have a little "companionship inventory" every night and its really blessing me. My relationship with Him is growing so well. I love Him!
Some fun updates:

-We went to Lutheran Mass this past week with one of our investigators because "she comes to our church every week but we never went to hers". It was very interesting and actually quite peaceful. I love learning more about other religions and seeing their love for God. 
-Speaking of Lutheran mass...we just found out that our investigator is actually a Lutheran priest! (looks like I am going to have some pretty intense personal studies of the Bible these next weeks;) ) She really is the coolest and most kind woman. Its also really incredible because we are teaching so many different people with so many different religious backgrounds...Buddhists to Atheists to Lutheran priests YOU NAME IT! God really loves all His children so much and that is especially evident as I am serving as missionary. 

 -(picture) This past week was soooo cold. Socks and tights are my very best friends. I also cant wear mascara anymore because when we are outside it freezes and then when we go into homes for lessons and it melts...well just use your imagination at the horrifying looking Sisar Cardon with crazy racoon eyes....hahaha too many funny experiences.

The Elders in Vaasa. Fun humans. We are obviously Gods favorites because WE get to be in Vaasa. :)

-(picture) Our investigators from Vietnam made us PHO and it was so delicious!! I pretty much crave it on a daily basis now...#takemetoVietnam #JkiloveFinlandtoomuch

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

January 5, 1016 NEW COMPANION

So we got transferred (a little bit earlier than I thought but hey, thats the mission for ya) and I have an awesome new companion Sisar Kwok!! I get to stay in Vaasa for another 2 months and I am STOKED!!! Vaasa for 6 months-does life get better? 

My new years resolutions include a few things 
1. Be a missionary for a full year 2016
2. Make a new tradition to start and keep up for the rest of my life (we will see how the diligence goes with that)
3. Be more grateful for the little blessings--recognizing more tender mercies. 

also I tried Vegemite from the 2 Australians in my district this week. Its delicious.