Thursday, December 17, 2015

December 15, 2015 HYVÄÄ JOULUA (Merry Christmas)‏

This week, was an incredible one. My journal has gotten significantly thicker. .What a wonderful blessing we have to be here and learn so much and be tried so hard and for our roots be forced to grow long and deep. 
Sisar Albiston and I are getting along a better than we ever have. We are trying to work hard and get a lot done. Its great to see the recent converts progress and grow. What a testimony builder that has been for me.
I loved the Christmas devotional that we heared this week. Its such a difference when we focus on Chirst during this season instead of so much on all the distractions that take away from him. I dont think that I have ever really tried my best to focus on Him fully at Christmas and I look forward to a new missionary Christmas this year.
I feel healthy and happy and still working hard with everything. I look forward to a week about Christ and the blessing He is. 
Now for the fun part PICTURES and STORIES!!
 This week we got 3 new investigators and they are all so great! We teach so much and I am just amazed at how fast you grow to love the people you teach. Its cool that Finland is such a melting pot right now and people from all over the world are here with an opportunity to hear the Gospel--something they might not have had the chance for otherwise.
We saw the NOTHERN LIGHTS last night (for real this time-dont worry-) and it was magical. Just imagine us with every window in our apartment open for over an hour with us going from side to side taking pictures and videos and just being your average excited girls. We might have froze with the -6 degree weather outide...but it was so worth it. I even did a little rearranging in the bedroom so my bed was right up against the window and fell asleep watching the sky. SO AMAZING!!

Me watching the Northern lights from our apartment... gahhh!!
We went to a Lutheran Joulu concert this week in a HUGE church here in Vaasa with one of our investigators. She has grown up Lutheran and really wanted us to have a little experience with what she is used to and we got permission from the mission president (it only makes sense that we could go because she comes to our church--Presidnet thought it was a swell idea). Its was absolutely breathtaking. We may not have known the songs well, but Sisar Albiston and I sang our little hearts out in Finnish Christmas songs.
Lutheran Church with our friend

We just have too much fun...and we are all just sooo different. I am the only one from Utah. We have a Finn, a Swed, 2 Austrailians and the others are from all over the US. We are a pretty solid group...may or may not be doing a secret santa next week for district meeting...of course with the mission rules the sisters buy for each other and the elders buy for each other...hmm I wonder who has me? ;)

The missionaries in my District

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