Monday, May 23, 2016

May 16, 2016 Transfer calls will be the death of me

When we took our dinner hour in Naanatali and ate on the pier...yes we live in a dream.

We got our calls and yes, the world might be ending because Sisar Jacobsen and I are splitting up. You better believe that we have literally been crying on and off for the past four days. I will be staying in Turku and Sisar Jacobsen is going to Oulu (the furthest north sisters can serve) I am so happy to stay here though, I cant imagine leaving this ward. My companion is just one transfer ahead of me so that will be so nice. I met her once in the MTC and she seemed normal. Thats too bad because I am so not normal! Katsotaan! We are going to do good work, I can feel it.
Our investigators home...he lives on an island...
it's a 1\10 home of one of the oldest styles in Turku.
And yes, he did feed us a meal on fine china
with goblets of pepsi after our lesson. 
With a change coming, I am nervous and excited to see what will come with it. Its amazing though, I have learned so much this change, and recognized more and more all that I learned from passed changes. I think and pray for my past companions ofte. I wish I could have been better, more Christlike, but I can only let that change the future and how I help future companionship.
This change I learned a lot about what true happiness is. I realized more and more that being a missionary and setting extremely high goals is joy and progression. I hope to continue that with my next companion. I love her already. I meet her tomorrow. 
Our investigators and ward are doing very well here. Our newest member is a power house of the Spirit and it brings me more happiness than I ever thought it would seeing how her testimony has developed, grown, and been refined. She came on a lesson with us and it was one of the most spiritual things to see and hear her testify of the new found faith she has.
I am going to work on more patience and love and charity this next change. There is always room for improvement, even when literally this past transfer there was not even a sliver of contention or unhappiness between us. Does that ever happen in normal life?! 
Its been a great week. Nähdään! 
Sisar Cardon

Our last pictures by the castle
 (oldest castle in Finland from 1200) for the best last pday ever

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