Monday, March 21, 2016

January 19, 2016 Love You!

So to be honest, this week started out a little rough. I began to feel like things were steering more towards the way that they were with my last companion and that terrified me. The thing is, I noticed it and reacted to it. These past two days have been very good and I think that has shown me that I have learned from past mistakes and trials. I am very happy. 

I am doing well since the accident. I do still shutter every time that I hear a siren and it makes me a little nervous, but once it passes all is well :) Its interesting to have that reminder every once in a while to help me remember the blessing that God gave us. 

I got the bike. Its an elders bike and needs some fix up so I am trying to decide if its worth it or if I want to look around for a woman bike (the convenience of being able to get on and off easily with a skirt and short legs). We are going to a Kirppis today to see what they have. We are doing well with walking though and we have used the bus a few times. We really are doing well together. 

I realized something that has gotten me thinking while we were in Oulu for Zone Training. I recognized that I need to figure out what my real intentions are with missionary work and they start from the foundation to become the missionary that I want, need and am able to become. I also thought a new thought, PMG isnt just a book, but it is words of inspiration from God to His church leaders. That is something that deserves more study, consideration and following from Sisar Cardon. 

It was, honestly, a perspective changing experience for me in Oulu yesterday and as I talked with dear Sisar Powell, I realized that this big weight that I have been struggling to carry, doesnt have be be so burdensome. I feel much happier already and am trying to keep my progression up. I am so blessed and want to be the best blessing that I can to the people around me. I got some wonderful advice from Sis Powell, "the MOST important thing to do is make sure that your companion is in the green zone, until she is there, my priorities are there too." I am going to try my best to focus on that and truly learn that. 

Thank you for your confidence in me, well actually, thank you for your confidence in the Lord for what he can do through me. This is a blessed time.

Sisar Cardon

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