Saturday, December 10, 2016

August 2, 2016The weeks feel like days and the days feel like...seconds??

Moi,  (Hi)

 It would take the entire day for me to even tell the half of how this last week went. #missionarylife

MLC this week was such a blessing! I SAW SISTER JACOBSEN and you better believe there were tears. Sisar McAllister and I picked them up from the airport and it was one of those epic off the plane reunions, running, hugging, crying, and laughing. Yeah. SO GOOD.

We had many meetings this week. We talked about being a "successful missionary" and we discussed about Abinadi. He died before he even knew the effect his words and teachings had on Alma. Abinadi literally gave his life for the work of the Lord and didn’t even get to see the result in his lifetime on earth. If we think about it, Alma, who was converted, has a family line that leads straight to Nephi, the Nephi who welcomed Christ to the Americas. Abinadi had no idea the "success" that he was having, but he didn’t ever doubt. He died in faith, that someone would know the truth. What a cool perspective, especially to remember that as missionaries, and members of the church, we are planting seeds that will have significant influence on many. 
We went to the temple. I love the temple. I sat in there with Sisar Jacobsen and Suvi Hyssälä (the bishops wife from my last area Turku--the fact that Sisar Jacobsen and I were both there may or may not have played a role in their coming...we will never know ;). ) It was one of the most special experiences of my entire mission. 

We have a mini missionary with us for the week! SISAR PAAKKARI. She is 17, Finn, and outstanding! She is so brave to come see what missionary life is like and help us in our work. Man, if every person, or even just 17 year old member in the church had a testimony as strong as her, this world would be a whole better place. She is so strong. She testifies boldly. I am learning much from her. 

This week we met with a recent convert, read the scripture 2 Nephi 28:30 about "line upon line, precept upon precept is how we learn wisdom" and she responded with a thought provoking question, "does that mean that we only understand the scriptures little by little?" Yes, yes it does. I am learning each and every day little by little about the plan that Heavenly Father has, especially through the scriptures. I am reminded often that it is ok not to know everything, for if I did, what would be the fun in that?

This week was simply great...and I can’t believe that we did ALL that we did in just a week. We even had dinner with President and Sister Watson. It was the 2 assistants and my companion and I. Yep, you better believe it was the best "family dinner" of my mission, with a mind blowing spiritual discussion for dessert. 

                                         Keep on keepin’ on everyone!

Sisar Cardon

PS. Birthday shout outs to DALLIN MICHAEL CARDON the baby of the family! 
They grow up so fast ;)

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